Q. Who manages our community?
A. Ardent Residential:
Please contact Carlos Porter, Community Manager: Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM
844-9-ARDENT | Fax: 404-969-4698 | propertymanager@washingtonsquareatlanta.com
Q. How much is the assessment and when is it due?
A. Effective January 1, 2023, the assessment is $235.00 per month, due on the 1st of each month. Your payment is considered late and will incur a late fee if received after the 10th.
Homeowner's portal: https://myardent.com/washingtonsquare
Q. What does the assessment cover?
A. The assessment covers the maintenance, insurance and improvements of all Common Area within the community, as well as administrative costs for the day to day operation of the Association. Your assessment also includes the cost of termite prevention & treatment via Sentricon Bait Systems, water and sewer.
Q. How do I lease my house?
A. Rental Monitoring Solutions (RMS) manages leasing for the community. Contact them at contact@rmsassist.com for all rental inquiries.
Allowable rental is 15% (32 homes). Authorize leasing administration fee $199. Unauthorized leasing fee $299. Please note unauthorized leasing is subject to fines and other charges provided for under the Association's governing legal documents.
Q. What is CC&Rs?
A. Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions are the association’s governing documents sometimes called the Declarations.
Q. What is Common Area?
A. Real property shared by members of the association which includes, but is not limited to, lawns, parking/roadway, swimming pool, pond, etc.
Q. Who do I report malfunctioning street lights to?
A. Please report malfunctioning street lights directly to Georgia Power 888-891-0938. The assigned number is located on the pole.
Q. Is my home insured by a Master Insurance Policy provided by the Association?
A. No, Washington Square HOA does not provide insurance on private property not owned by the association. All homeowners must provide proof of homeowners Insurance by January 1, of each year to the management company.
Q. How do I order a closing letter or lender questionnaire?
A. Shop | Ardent Residential (myardent.com)
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